
Man Talk

As you know we got the exciting news about "baby girl" Loughman last Tuesday after spending a relaxing weekend in Charleston. While touring the USS Yorktown, Kristine was finally asked in public by a stranger how far along she was, no doubt due to her protruding baby belly.

She's still all set for arrival next February (not March if Dad has anything to do about it because there are already too many March birthdays to remember!). According to Kristine, Baby is quite the little Beckham, so with all the kicking hopefully she won't hanging out in the womb too far past her due date!

ahhh, the fun begins. Such as:
  • Names! This normally consists of Kristine coming up with a really cute, great name and me saying something like "ah, I'm not sure I like that one..." or "hmmm, I'll think about that one" which she quickly figured out was code word for "no". I'm much better at "no's" than I am at coming up with viable alternatives.
  • Feeling her kick and kick and kick. Kristine says Baby is really active after eating oatmeal cookies so we should eat a lot of them. I can figure out code words too :P
  • Watching other people's children at Chick-Fil-A and wondering if our kids are going to be that loud! I'm guessing that since she's half mine the answer is going to be yes.
  • Seeing all my ladies hanging out on the La-z-boy together (that used to be mine!)
  • And last, but certainly not least, maternity clothes. Oh, to enter the world of stretchy pants. Kristine hasn't actually worked up the courage to go the store yet, but that trip CAN'T be too far away. It's getting cold and I should get to wear my own sweat pants every once in a while.

Well, we're working on the naming process and realizing pretty quickly that she's stuck with the name we give her. Quite the burden! There are a couple names leaping towards the front of the line, and possibly a winner, but nothing permanent yet.


  1. It really isn't that big of a problem to have three Tatums running around in this world....

  2. You guys are too cute!


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