
Back to School!

We did it! We started school again. This will be my seventh year in first grade. It will be Violet's first (and hopefully only!) year in first grade.

She still wants to be a teacher. 

First Grade with Mrs. Lockett!
It has been strange starting the year at a new school. I've only taught in one place, so many things we did I just assumed were county policy. Apparently not, because things are definitely different here. Many things are just small differences, but it is enough to make me do a double-take, or wonder why. Fortunately, even though she doesn't know anyone in her class, Violet knows her teacher already, which helped to make the first day go smoothly. I remember having to pry her off of me in kindergarten. Now she marched down the hall (we are as far apart as you can get on the first grade hallway - probably a good thing). We do get recess together, though, which is a sweet little treat at the end of the day.

I've had to break up with my last school. That's how it feels, anyway. Almost like going through an actual break up, I've been mentally boxing up all our shared mementoes, avoiding places I associated with my ex-school, burning old photographs while listening to sad love songs... okay, perhaps it hasn't been quite that dramatic. We met up with the old team after Open House to catch up and it was great to see everyone. And it's hard to completely escape, considering my former teammate lives next door. But I have needed to make a mental separation in order to embrace my new school fully. I'm still getting whiplash on a daily basis as I continue to learn how things are done, but I'm happy to be there. I think greater things are yet to come, greater things are still to be done... and I'm thrilled to get to be a part of that.

Truth be told, after the past three weeks of getting the room ready, attending trainings, five days of pre-planning, it was a relief when the kids finally came through the door on Thursday. As much anxiety as you have before it starts, once that bell rings (or rather, doesn't ring at this school, weird) and the kids flood the halls, your teacher training kicks in, the show starts and you're rolling with it. Your muscle memory takes over and we're doing what we do.

My kids! This was the picture I sent to all the parents halfway through our first day.
By the way, shameless plug below to try and get a classroom iPad for this crew:

I want to make sure my students have the materials they need to succeed. So I've created a classroom project request at DonorsChoose.org, an award-winning charity. 

I'm asking for donations of any size to help my kids. For the next 4 days, any donation you make to my project will be doubled (up to $100). If you know anyone who is passionate about education, please pass this along. Your donation will brighten my students' school year, and you'll get photos and thank yous from our class. 

Here's my classroom request: 

Explorers: Columbus had a Compass, We Need an iPad! 

One last picture, because I can't help it.

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