
Vacation Download

So I'm back. I have survived many firsts in the past week, including my first road trip with Violet, my first solo vacation with Violet (Matt joined us for the second half), Violet's first trip to the water park and beach.

Going into this trip, I was nervous, not going to lie. Originally Matt wasn't supposed to come at all, but then he switched up some business plans last minute that allowed him to be in Florida at the same time we were, so he got to spend part of the vacation with us. Whew! It's hard enough traveling with a 15-month-old, but the thought of having to do it solo had me on edge.

The other factor that had me apprehensive (warning: it's a stupid reason) was being on a trip 24/7 with others (ie: not family, who have to love you regardless of how crazed your child may be). For some reason, I felt like my parenting skills were going to be on trial during this trip. I love my neighbors, and they love us, but will they continue to love us if Violet throws a seven hour tantrum in the car? Will I be judged if I indulge and spoil my child just because it's the only way anyone is going to have a moments peace? Stupid thoughts all, but mine nonetheless.

So it was with much excitement and stress that we set out. I was riding down with my neighbor K and her two boys, set to meet up with my other neighbor A at her parents house in Florida. Seven hours later. All in all, however, it wasn't too bad! Poor Violet was not feeling her best, so she slept a lot.  There was a tense 45 minute period when she screamed at us (and I'm talking screaming and writhing around in her car seat like the devil was after her), but fortunately she gave up (or as I like to put it, we broke her spirit) right as we hit traffic and got ourselves lost, so there was at least one less stress to deal with.

Sidebar: K was awesome about it. Apparently she only gets really frustrated with her own kids. If someone else's child decides to holler for an hour straight, she tunes it out with a grin. God love her. We talked a lot in the car about kids and parenting. K also gave me permission to view the trip as a bubble unto itself. So what if Violet got her paci all day instead of just at night? So what if she didn't get to bed on time or ate only ice cream for dinner? That's what vacations are for. Jumping right into this trip after the last day of school was stressful, but it was also a great way to force myself into the summer. It was a total break from routine, so that when we got home, we could construct our new, summer routine. So it turns out all those earlier fears about my parenting being judged by my friends was much ado about nothing.

Shut up already and get to the pictures? Okay, okay. Once we arrived at our destination, Violet was all smiles.

Who's ready for a dip in Dee Dee's pool?!

Poolside, pensively.

Violet found her chair and assumed it meant snack time. Nevermind that the chair was on the floor getting ready to be packed up for the beach! Girlfriend climbed herself right in!

On our second day in Florida, we decided to go to a little local water park. I was eager to see how Violet would like it. I assumed, since she loved the sprinkler so much, the park would be just an awesomely giant sprinkler and she would have a blast. Not so much. Those of you who follow this blog regularly (and you should!) or follow me on twitter (do!) know that poor Violet was just miserable the whole time. Her nose was dripping like a faucet, all she wanted to do was sleep (after the 25 dollar admission ticket), and she cried if I even tried to put her in the water. Total bust. As I told my mom later, I wasn't so much enjoying the trip as I was just enduring it. And it was only day two!

I might be miserable, but at least I look good.
That evening, I couldn't take it anymore and with the help of my fellow moms, we dosed Violet up with medicine, even if the label said she wasn't quite old enough for it. The girl was miserable and suffering what seemed like serious allergies - runny nose, puffy eyes, dry cough. Well, it did the trick. She joined the rest of the crew for dinner and ran around the house like a crazy girl. Now that's the Violet we're used to! And just in time, too, because we were about to pack up and head to the beach!

Violet and the boys.

As my neighbors were telling me (and they should know, since they've been making this trip together for five  years now), every year is different because every year the kids are at another stage in life. They agreed that this year was a tough one for Violet, because she needs so much supervision and wants so much attention. But next year (assuming I'm invited back) she'll be older, smarter, more self-sufficient, and it will seem like a whole new adventure.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. There's still more to tell you about with this trip! Although I'll save it for the next post. Stay tuned - the beach is next!


  1. Love it!!! Your fears and worries were not silly, but definitely unnecessary! We love you and Violet ...forever!

  2. What's up, neighbor?! Thanks for finally reading the blog! Guess I'll start watching what I say about you now! I kid, I kid...


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